Criminal Defense For the Pacific Northwest


Tell us what's going on.

Free consultation

Grit City Law offers new clients one free, hour-long consultation, in-person, by telephone, or online.

Reasonable rates

There is no one-size-fits-all fee schedule for what we do here. Our fees are based on the the specific requirements of each individual case. Grit City Law aspires to serve our community with excellent service at competitive rates. The majority of our retainers are flat-fee and due upon signing. However, some clients may qualify for extended payments through Affirm.

Book an appointment

What can Grit City Law do for you? Use the form below to tell us what you need, and we’ll call you back to talk about it. You may also call or email the office directly. Our general response time is one business day.


➤ location

1105 Tacoma Avenue South
Tacoma, WA 98402

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 4:30 PM

Additional hours available by appointment.

Please call before stopping by. We are probably in court. Or jail. Or Western State Hospital. Every day is unique.

☎ Contact

(253) 254-6277